
Office Hours & Phones

As the summer is ending, we lost our front office help to college and high school. For the foreseeable future, please use email or our contact form to reach us. The phones are not an easy option for us in the warehouse doing production.

  • Color Management

    Color Management

    With almost 40 years in the Professional Photofinishing market, Color Management has always been priority one. All our machines are first calibrated with their internal software to linearize them, try we then profile each printer and paper type. Utilizing several industry standard test images, we then tweak those profile so our printers are matching back to these known, scientific color and density standards. What does this all mean to you? It means you receive back prints that have the truest representation of their respective colors and densities.
  • Quality Control

    Quality Control

    To insure we are giving you back the best quality color corrected prints, several times a day we verify our color correcting stations and printers, to make sure they are matching back to our reference images.
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Color Management Directions

  1. To the right are the ICC profiles, they are for SOFT PROOFING ONLY, DO NOT CONVERT TO THEM
  2. To Download, click on the profile you want to download. Windows Users you can save the file anywhere and once downloaded, Right Click on the profile and Choose "Install Profile"
  3. MAC OSX users, save the profiles into the following folder: /system/library/colorsync/profiles
  4. MAC OSX user, you might need to hold your CTRL key and then click on the profile names to download them. 
  5. In Photoshop, click on "View" on the Menu Bar. Then click on "Proof Setup" and then on "Custom..."
  6. Once in the custom screen, select the Profile for the Paper your want to Soft Proof and set the settings as follows:
  7. For Photographic Prints/Silver Halide on the Theta or Noritsu's use the following: 
    Rendering Intent= Perceptual. Everything else should be Unchecked 
  8. For the Canon iPF9000 Inkjet products use these settings: 
    Rendering Intent= Relative Colormetric. Check ON Black Point Compensation 
  9. Once you click okay, you are now viewing your image as a Soft Proof in our profile. This is not converting your image to the profile, but rather showing you how your image is going to look once it is printed. Keep in mind all the above is assuming you are using a calibrated monitor and that you have also adjusted your monitor to our output. To do this, you can send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request the PDI target file and hard copies be sent to you. Please include your mailing address in the email when doing so.

Theta/Noritsu Printer Profiles

Mac users using the Safari Browser, you will need to right click and either "Download Linked File" or "Save Linked File As"
Make sure the files all end in ".icc"